Categories & Criteria

Criteria for category 1:
cases studies (companies)
To be eligible for application, it is necessary that the company has already started with the implementation of a performance-based business models (Chemical Leasing, etc.): a contract is signed. It is also a pre-requisite that no substitution by substances of higher risk has taken place (see the Sustainability Criteria at the end of this document). Users and suppliers should apply separately.
Former applicants of previous awards are welcome to participate in this award edition. They must prove continuity and improvement with the implementation of the model as well as updated data.
Environment and health impact (weighting factor 0.5)
The case study should significantly impact environmental and/or health aspects of the involved companies and furthermore set an example for best practice within the entire industrial sector.
Economic and social impact (weighting factor 0.5)
The case study should furthermore have an impact on economic and social aspects. In addition, for the economic and social impact, the indicators are specified in the indicator checklist for the Sustainability Criteria.
Criteria for category 2: Innovation
Awarded to case studies with technical solutions that have the potential to or have already defined a new state of the art for a certain use of chemicals. The use of renewable energies and renewable carbon with the reduction of greenhouse gases from fossil sources in an “supply on demand business model” can be seen as an example for such innovations.

Level of innovation (weighting factor 0.4)
Substantial innovation should be visible in the way chemicals are produced or used during the respective processes as a result of the business model arrangement. A shift from product-oriented to a performance-oriented partnership should be demonstrated by a detailed description of the performance unit. This unit reflects the functions of services and thus replaces the product-based units like „barrels “. Examples (for such a unit) are square meters of surface cleaned/coated, hours of operation, treated pieces, etc.).
Additionally, the novelty of application within an industry sector as well as within a country – according to our knowledge - will be taken into account.
Level of improvement (weighting factor 0.6)
Improvements in the application of chemicals will be assed based on the indicator checklist for the Sustainability Criteria. Please fill in the checklist (see https://chemicalleasing.com/learn-and-implement-sustainability-criteria/) to the extent possible for all indicators relevant in your application.

Criteria for category 3:
This category is addressed for innovative as well as applied research and comprises papers, lectures, curricula, etc. to bring performance-based business models forward. Not only academia but also companies with their R&D departments are especially encouraged to apply.
The topics are widespread and can comprise Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Sustainable Industrial Parks, Sustainable Cities, but also business management and legal issues, etc., but have to have a clear link to performance-based business models, e.g. to Chemical Leasing.
Scientific publications in journals, magazines and books will be considered for nomination. PhD and other theses can also be submitted.
The criteria are as follows:
Level of novelty (weighting factor 0.3)
The contributions can contain novel experiences on performance-based business models (Chemical Leasing, etc.) in the context of innovative implementation approaches, new application fields and trans-disciplinary strategies. Contributions can also provide ideas to spread performance-based business models (Chemical Leasing, etc.), giving analysis of the model, etc.
Level of quality (weighting factor 0.4)
Contributions should be of highest quality in content, research, methodology and communication. For papers, peer review is not obligatory but an asset.
Level of potential outreach/impact (weighting factor 0.3)
This criterion aims at assessing the potential outreach of different scientific contributions, including the number of attendants at conferences, number of students in lecture, number of publications, etc.
Criteria for the special award: “Women-led initiatives”
Based on the data provided, the jury will decide whether the application is a “women led” activity. Women led activities that did not win an award in category 1, 2 or 3 have the chance to win the category 4 special award. In order to assess women led activities the evaluation result of category 1, 2 or 3 will be applied. The application with the highest score receives the award for women led activities.

Applicants need to demonstrate that their case is a “women led initiatives”. For this purpose, they should provide e.g. information for the following topics:
• Role of women in the implementation of the performance-based business model
• Name(s) of leading women and their involvement in decision processes

Criteria for the special award: general new business models
for Green and Sustainable Chemistry
Performance based business model contribute to green and sustainable chemistry. In addition, there might be other general new business models, that as well contribute. Those business models can be awarded in this category.
To be eligible for application, the concept for a new business model or already implemented business models need to be presented.
Sustainability impact for green and sustainable chemistry (weighting factor 0.5)
The application should significantly contribute to sustainability targets of sustainable and green chemistry.
Level of innovation (weighting factor 0.3)
Substantial innovation should be visible in the way chemicals are used during the respective processes as a result of the business model arrangement.
Additionally, the novelty of application within an industry sector as well as within a country – according to our knowledge - will be taken into account.
Level of outreach (weighting factor 0.2)
The applicability of the business within Green and Sustainable Chemistry should be addressed.

Successful Participation in the Global Chemical Leasing Award 2024
Applications of companies (category 1: case studies) that fulfil the Sustainability Criteria and obtain a minimum score of 1 (“sufficient”) for each evaluation criterion (refer to category 1) will be acknowledged with a Successful Participation Declaration. This is to confirm that the case presented by the company is in-line with UNIDO’s basic requirements for a performancebased business model for sustainable chemical management.

Sustainability Criteria
quick overview
All applications need to fulfil the 5 Sustainability Criteria. The Sustainability Criteria serve three main purposes:
• Measurable and concrete environmental improvements as a key element to sustainability;
• Measurable and concrete economic improvements as lasting motivation to implement performance-based business models (Chemical Leasing, etc.);
• Protection of the positive image of performance-based business models (Chemical Leasing, etc.), prevention of misuse of the term, e.g. for activities which are not beneficial to health or the environment.
Criterion I – Reduction of adverse impacts for environment, health, energy and resource consumption caused by chemicals and their application and production processes
Reduced environmental impact measurable by reduced material flows (including waste and emissions generated and energy savings) and compared to the situation before. For the overall balance, it important to consider the manufacture of chemicals and the impact of equipment and machinery.
Reduced impact on health (reduced exposure to chemicals and/or reduced hazardousnessof chemicals used) measurable by material flow analyses and hazardousness classification (GHS).
Criterion II – No substitution of chemicals by substances with a higher risk
If chemicals are substituted by substances with higher risk for the environment and health, contradictions in terms of sustainability can occur.
Experience has shown that this criterion does not apply to many pilot projects (no substitution intended).
In cases where chemicals are substituted, it needs to be determined at which level higher risks occur for the environment and health (references might be REACH/GHS classifications and exposure data). For the risk assessment, the exposure (real and potential) as well as the hazardousness of the substance need to be considered.
Criterion III – Improved handling and storage of chemicals to prevent and minimize risks
Reduced risks due to improved handling and storage as a consequence of the increased collaboration between user and supplier. Since measurements are difficult to perform, a qualitative description is necessary for actions regarding the prevention and/or reduction of risks. This can be carried out by means of classical risk assessment, i.e. describing the probability of accidents and their potential impacts.
Apart from improvements of the environmental situation and health issues, economic impacts (change of liability for partners) might also be relevant. This can be checked in the contract.
Criterion IV –Economic and social benefits are generated; a contract should contain the objective of continuous improvements and should enable a fair and transparent sharing of the benefits between the partners
Economic benefits for both partners are essential if the contract is to continue and for the success of the performance-based business models. Economic improvements are relatively easy to quantify.
Typical social benefits include better working conditions, knowledge sharing and training, etc. It is not the aim of the performance-based business model (Chemical Leasing, etc.) to increase the efficiency of processes by reducing the number of jobs involved.
The objective of continuous improvement as well as the fair and transparent sharing of benefits between the partners should be included in the contract.
Criterion V –Monitoring of improvements need to be possible
Highly relevant for most pilot cases; Easy to check whether the data corresponds to that fixed in the contract; important to check whether fully implemented.