The jury reviews all submitted documents!

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The Global Chemical Leasing Award
The Global Chemical Leasing Award was created and organized by UNIDO and partners in 2010, 2012, 2014, 2018 and 2021. The award aims to acknowledge best practices in Chemical Leasing implementation, science and promotion activities, and to enhance the visibility of Chemical Leasing worldwide.
It is the first award of its kind and recognizes successful activities in different categories.
Based on the importance of sustainable chemicals management and green chemistry, it was decided to extend the scope of the Chemical Leasing Award. For the Chemical Leasing Award 2024, other business models (such as eco-industrial parks) for sustainable chemical management, besides Chemical Leasing, are now eligible for the award.

Awarding Procedure

The Global Chemical Leasing Award 2024 will be launched April 1st, 2024.
Deadline for applications will be December 31th 2024 and the Award ceremony will take place on 13th of March 2025.
February 1th.
13th March
Vienna &

Introduction and Background
The migration to a service-based economy is leading to a fundamental shift in manufacturing industries toward business models in which the service component of products is becoming dominant based on the value they provide to customers.
The main interest of chemical users is not to buy and possess chemicals products. They are interested in the best solutions for their process or application. Therefore, chemical users are paying attention on the utility of chemicals and are attracted by services that support their businesses. This strict service orientation leads to a new logic that puts the utility provided by a chemical into the centre of the buying process.
Following this shift, chemicals suppliers need to change a way of doing business and offer sophisticated solutions that will support their customers’ chemical operations and profitability.
Performance based business model (also called “performance-based contracting”) responds to this demand: the customer pays for the utility of the product and not for its quantity or volume. The model is based on aligning customer and supplier incentives.
Chemical Leasing is a performance-based business model applied to chemicals operations. This model is a perfect example of a business solution for sustainable chemical management.
Performance based business models related to chemicals can be called and branded in companies differently, not just as Chemical Leasing even if being identical or similar to this model.
→ For more information on Chemical Leasing, please visit:
Award Jury

The jury consists of highly recognized international experts from Industry, Science and Academia nominated by countries that have signed the Joint Declaration on Chemical Leasing. All jury members offer profound understanding of Chemical Leasing strategies and performance-based business models. They have first-hand experience with implementation and promotion practices.

Award Categories
The Global Chemical Leasing Award comprises 5 categories: (1) Case Studies (possible for users and suppliers), (2) the Innovation Award, (3) the Research Award, (4) a special award for “Women led initiatives” and (5) a special award for general new business models for Green and Sustainable Chemistry. Specific evaluation criteria and weighting factors are defined for each category.
Users or
Green & Sustainable Chemistry
Target Group/Participation
The Global Chemical Leasing Award recognizes activities in Chemical Leasing and performance-based business models for sustainable chemicals management on a global scale. Organisations, companies, research institutions and individuals are encouraged to apply.

Application is open from April 1st, 2024. For each category, an application form and the indicator checklist for Sustainability Criteria for the assessment of specific measures are provided and available for download on our application page. The indicator checklist provides an overview of the five Sustainability Criteria for Chemical Leasing as well as of sub-criteria and indicators. It is as well applicable for other performance-based business models and addresses a wide range of data linked to sustainability criteria. For a successful application, all applicants are asked to fill in the checklist to the extent possible although not all sub-criteria and indicators might be applicable.
Application in one of the 5 categories
April 1st.
February 1th.
Evaluation Criteria
The Evaluation Criteria (detailed in application page) will be evaluated on a 0-4 scale (0-insufficient, 4-exellent) and multiplied with a defined weighting factor. Applications need to score a minimum of 2.5 or more to be considered for the Award nomination.
For all application in this field, it is an additional asset if the applicants can proof the data that are given in the form. This can be done by specific trained consultants or public institutions.
Minimum score 2,5 for
How to apply
Check if your business model ist suitable for the Chemical Leasing Award 2024, business models (such as eco-industrial parks) for sustainable chemical management, besides Chemical Leasing, are now eligible for the award. Unsure? Write us!
Select the appropriate category for your business model. Check whether the five sustainability criteria for Chemical Leasing as well as the sub-criteria and indicators are met.
Download the appropriate document for your category from our application page, fill it out and submit your application to us by e-mail.